Monday, March 1, 2010

A Little Fun in the Sun

My Dad and Alicia decided they needed a vacation, so they decided to go to St. George. Then they invited me so that I could chauffeur them around.
We had a great time sleeping in and doing whatever we wanted including getting lost multiple times. But that's why it was fun!
We went to Zion National Park and it was super cool to see with snow still around. It was not super cool almost falling off a cliff in the slippery mud.

Me and Alicia at the Emerald Pool

All I can say is, "Wow!"
Trying to wash off our muddy shoes.
We saw 4 Condors that flew right by us. They were so close
we could see their tags. It was awesome.
Alicia, riding off in the sunset on her rooster.
It's always nice to get away for awhile. I definitely wasn't ready to come back and face real life with a sick kid. Oh well, I'll just have to hope someone else needs a chauffeur soon.


  1. You can be my chauffeur anytime! I'm going to New York end of the month. Think about it. :)

  2. I wish I could've been there. maybe we should try going to St. George just for fun instead of after someone dies.
    Also, could you please get rid of that picture of the peanut butter chocolate cake? If I see it one more time I might have to make it and eat the whole thing.

  3. What beautiful shots. And, I'm so jealous that you got to see a condor! Tim and I are taking a long weekend soon and going down to Zions, so I'll cross my fingers. I hope you and the kids are doing well.
