Monday, March 8, 2010


I can't believe I'm doing a post on my NICU baby having RSV, but with they way things have been going lately - let's face it, no one's surprised.
Unfortunately, Max got it from Megan and we've been into the instacare twice hoping that it wasn't a virus and they would have a magical pill to give him - but it was no use.
He coughs a lot and has snot flying everywhere and can't breathe well. One night he would only sleep for 30 min. at a time. It was not a fun night. But I think we are finally out of the woods, although I think it will take awhile before he completely recovers.

They took an xray of Max to make sure he didn't have
any fluid in his lungs so they had to put him in this
Pigg-O-Stat so he would hold still.
We're really bad parents because we couldn't stop laughing at him.
I'm sure the xray tech. thought we should be turned into child services!
So now Max just lays on his bean bag watching Elmo.
I'm definitely ready for another vacation to St. George!


  1. Oh April, I am so sorry you are going through that! RSV is so miserable, but I swear it's more miserable for the parents!! I hope you get to go back to St. George soon. I was going to call you to see if you guys wanted to come over on Friday to hang out, but I guess I got my answer! We've got together soon. Take care!

  2. that kids is huge! in a good way, I can't believe how grown up he is. I also was smiling at him in that contraption while Liv was super worried about it. Glad they are feeling better

  3. No fun, we have done the RSV thing this year too, and it sucks. I too am ready for a vacation. Hope you are on the up and up soon. That contraption looks so sad.

  4. Poor Max! But I couldn't help but laugh when I saw him in that thing for his x-ray. Hope he feels better soon!!

  5. Ok, I'm a little late to this. But the cutest picture is Max grumping in his bean bag. April, you have some seriously adorable children!
