Monday, April 5, 2010

The Coldest Easter Ever

Did anyone else think this was the coldest Easter ever? After we got home from our city's Easter egg hunt we had to drink hot chocolate to get warm again, but we still managed to have fun! The ground was muddy, the sun was no where to be seen, and it was COLD. Now after hearing how that morning was, would you show up in: an expensive long leather coat, slacks, stiletto heels, and huge sunglasses? No, I didn't think so. I kept looking at this woman thinking, "Maybe there's a real celebrity here and she's trying to be incognito." But, no. Just a mom who's daughter was asking Megan and I who made our shoes? Uh, Target?
Max is trying to decide if he likes this egg hunt thing.
We had a lot of fun coloring eggs with Grandpa, then we had
a big egg hunt with way too many eggs for just 3 kids.
(Mel, you need to come home.)
We were all missing Grandma & Linz a lot, but we knew they were probably peeking in on the festivities and proud of the fact that I actually cooked Easter dinner! (I know you're impressed.)
Megan & Max in their Easter gear. Why do we do this to our kids?
Hope you all had a great Easter weekend!

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