Thursday, April 8, 2010

Not Spring Break

The kids are on Spring Break right now and when I heard that it was going to snow I thought, "Oh great, now I'm going to have to figure out something we can do inside." But it ended up snowing so much that I just dragged out all our snow stuff and we played outside!

This was Max's first time with the snow.
He's either very interested in the snow or very
upset that I put pink boots on him.

Max loved sledding. He would tell me when to go,
then say Weee all the way down.
We even brought Megan's skis and she had
a great time with them.
Then we built a snowman, but by the time Toby
got home from work it had tipped over and was almost
all the way melted - that's how fast it warmed up.

1 comment:

  1. love the pink boots. Randy would've killed me if i'd done that to one of our boys.
