Monday, May 10, 2010

We Made It!

I made it! Through Mother's Day that is. And let's be honest, I was a blubbering fool through parts of it. I didn't even feel it coming on, it just came in waves, and unfortunately it made Megan cry for Grandma as well.
But we still had a good weekend going to Boise without the boys. Megan got to have ice cream for breakfast and play with cuzin Liv until she collapsed out of sheer exhaustion. So now that we made it through the weekend, it's time to reflect on someone else today -
Linz. I can't believe it's been 2 years. I'm not going to be sad today because I know that's not what she would want. I'm going to celebrate her life and all the good she did during her short time here on earth. When Megan stops barfing, we're going to watch your video and laugh a lot and maybe cry but just a little. Megan still talks of Lindsey often and someday I hope Max will too. I know he met Linz in the NICU and I'm sure she's been around quite a bit since then. We love you Linz! Say hi to Mom!


  1. That was from me, Heidi. I'd be a little worried if Lance was writing that to you. (: You really do amaze me though. I'm coming to you when it's my turn to go through a trial like that. I won't know how to handle it. Thanks for sharing your honest feelings. We still pray for you.
