Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day Ban

Because of all the cheesy commercials for Mother's Day, it has gotten me thinking about Mother's Day and I haven't decided if I should feel mad, sad or happy? No, definitely not happy. Not only does Mother's day mark the 2nd anniversary of Linz's death, but a few days later is also my Mom's birthday. What am I supposed to do with all of these events? It's too much for my little brain to process.

So the solution?

Ban Mother's Day and go into isolation for the next week.

Maybe next year I'll feel up to celebrating the best mom that ever lived. But right now I'm kind of mad that I don't get to give her one of those cheesy cards they keep showing on the commercials. I'm mad that I don't get to give her a hug and watch my sisters sing their funny song to her. I'm mad Megan doesn't get to sing her the grandma song she's been working on. I'm mad Max doesn't even know who she is no matter how many times I point her out in pictures. I'm mad to be reminded that I'm missing one of my sisters and without her we're not complete. So forgive me if I go into seclusion next week and if you happen to see me, RUN!

But in case my mom can read my blog in heaven - Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you!

Oh - and Toby, feel free to make the chocolatey goodness cake so I can drown my sorrows in it!


  1. I am truely sorry this is a horrible time for you. I think you have the right to mad. So I hope your isolation week helps. For what it is worth, I think you are a great mom.

  2. We missed you Saturday! I hope your little trip was a nice gettaway. You needed that! I know you want isolation, but if you want company to come eat that chocolately goodness cake with you, you know who to call!(: April, really, I hope you're doing okay! And I hope Mother's Day ended up being an okay day. I thought about you lots!

  3. I hear you April. I've had similar thoughts myself. Hang in there.

  4. I am mentally beaming some chocolate and a bubble bath to you....wish I was there to give you a hug.
