Monday, June 28, 2010

There's Something Wrong With These Pictures

Here's a picture of the headstones of Linz and my mom. They look pretty good, right?
Well, here's the pictures of them from behind.
Notice that on both headstones my name is on it.
Which is okay, it's just disturbing to have your name on 2 different headstones, and neither of them are yours. Want to know what else is disturbing? Being only 29 and having 2 members of your family buried in a cemetery.
But at least the headstones look amazing.


  1. your moms headstone is FANTASTIC!!!! Perfect! love it.

  2. Those seriously look amazing!!
    It looks so beautiful and peaceful there!

  3. Oh, that looks great! And its true you guys have had a huge HEAP of unfair the last little while. Things are bound to look up!
