Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The Wasatch Back Relay was this past weekend, and the only way you wouldn't know that is if you lived under a rock. (or I guess another state, but still...) Toby did it again with his family while I slept wonderfully in my nice comfy bed.
Toby did another amazing job. His 2nd leg was 9.5 miles and he ran it in just over an hour, then he ran his last, and 3rd leg, 3.4 miles, straight uphill in 33 minutes.
The race now has over 1000 teams and when we did it 3 years ago there were just over 300, so it's grown quite a bit.
Toby's van was full of all guys with his brother, cousins and uncle. He was excited to have some "manly" time with them. Whatever that means, I'm sure it has something to do with seeing who can smell the most.
Josh, Jace, Phil, Brad
Must keep running!
The van

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