Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Last Parade

We had our last parade for Festival Days and as usual it was the best of them all. We rode my dad's new tandem bike with our bike trailer hooked to it, over to the parade. The kids thought they were in their own parade. (if you look close you can see it in the background). We got tons of candy and toys and had a great time. After the pararde we got to go to Uncle Jon's where he cooked us his world famous omelets. Yum.
Here's the group.
(If you look REALLY close you can see my mom and Linz)
Here's Max with his 2 balls that he always has to have.
Megan and Marcus
Max loved this bucket for some reason.
The dog that was huger than Max.


  1. Looks like fun! Was that the Farmington Parade?

  2. so fun! we didn't go to one parade this summer! Lame!
    p.s. I am sending you an e-mail

  3. Farmington? I wonder if this is my brother's golden doodle!
