Thursday, July 8, 2010

What I did for a month of my life

It's been a couple of months since this room has been done, but I finally got around to taking some pictures. A while back my Dad decided that he wanted to make a grandkid room complete with bunkbeds and a pirate theme, of course. Well, since I'm the only one that has painting experience, the job fell on me. I wish I had taken a before picture because the walls were a turquoise green and we had to rip out the carpet and the baseboards - basically start all over. Everything required 3 coats of paint, including the ceiling and doors. By the time I was done with this I was exhausted and sick with strep that I haven't had since I was 7. But the room turned out perfect!
This is the sign on the door before coming in!
Here's the bunkbeds complete with wicked awesome
pirate quilts.
Here's the dresser that I had to sand and refinish.
And yes, it took 3 coats too.
It was all worth it in the end because now we have another room to send the kids to when they're being annoying. And because my Dad took me to Thaifoon - my mostest favorite restaurant - you can get me to do anything if you promise me food from there!


  1. That is so cute April! I bet the kids LOVE going there. :)

  2. definitely heidi left that comment...
