Thursday, August 19, 2010


We took the kids to Lagoon to help celebrate Megan's birthday. We had a lot of fun. Toby took Megan and Marcus to Lagoon a beach first and they could've stayed there all day. The kids loved the water slides (let's be honest - so did Toby). Then we came back with Max and Ethan for some rides.
Megan & Marcus thought they were so cool because they
were big enough to ride the Bat.
No surprise here, Max loved the cars.
Love this picture - just shows how happy the kids
were to be there.
Max & Toby on the train. Choo choo!
The last ride of the night - we let the kids go
by themselves on the haunted house.
They thought it was so cool.
Ethan couldn't stop talking about the guy with his head cut off.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. Thanks for taking my kiddos. Next year I'm going too!
