Monday, August 9, 2010

Oh, the fun we had

Our super nice neighbor let us stay in his cabin again (let's be honest - it's more like a lodge). We had way too much fun. The kids got so exhausted from playing everyday that they were asking to go to bed at night.
Ethan, Megan, Kate, Marcus, Zack
Every morning we went for a hike.
Every afternoon Max fell asleep on the 4-wheelers.
Max loved playing peek-a-boo through the stairs.
He also loved throwing rocks in the creek until his legs went
numb and he couldn't move anymore.
Megan & Toby dared each other to go all the way
under the cold water - they both did it.
The kids loved being thrown on the giant pillows.
Max loved the airplane swing.
4-wheeler rides were a must, along with lots of candy.
A pirate treasure hunt was the perfect way to end the weekend.
As you can see we had a lot of fun, ate a lot of food, and made a lot of memories!

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