Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dippin' Dogs

On Labor Day we went for a hike to Hell's Hole. (It's a waterfall above my parent's house). It is also tradition that when we do this hike we do "dippin' dogs". The hike is one of the harder ones we've been on with Megan. It's pretty steep, we went up 1400 ft. in elevation. We got so high that you could see over Antelope Island. But Megan did great, and so did Max - no meltdowns in the backpack.
Alicia and Megan on the way up
So here's how you dip dogs:
1st - you roast your hot dogs on a stick over the fire that you made with "scout juice".
2nd - You dip your dogs in film canisters that have been filled with ketchup & mustard.
Hence the name "dippin' dogs"
3rd - You enjoy, like Toby & Max.
Then you can ask for more like Max.
Megan thoroughly enjoyed this tradition - she ate 4 hot dogs!

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