Monday, September 27, 2010

Lions, Tigers & Elephants

We continued on with Toby's birthday celebrations by heading to the circus. Toby's parents gave him tickets for his birthday and they were on the 3rd row, it was awesome! The motorcycles were definitely our favorite part. They had 7 going at the same time in that small ball! Crazy.
Trying to get a picture with both children is pretty much impossible.
Max ate this huge sucker the entire time and got mad if anyone got near.
The next day we headed to Lion King. It was amazing. We had aisle seats and told Megan that the animals would be walking right next to us. She was pretty excited until she remembered there were hyenas in the show. She REALLY didn't want one of those to scare her. So what happened? A Hyena scared her and everyone around her by getting an inch away from her face and laughing in it. It took Megan a few minutes to recover but she loved the rest of the show. She kept wishing she could get up and dance when there was cool music going.
We had a great weekend, but now I'm exhausted!


  1. Now that is the way to celebrate a birthday! You're a way better wife than me!

  2. ah jealous! I want to see Lion King sooo bad. Good times...
    hey, I heard a rumor you might be coming for Jen's wedding?
