Monday, October 4, 2010

Max's new friend

I put up our Halloween decorations this weekend, which felt a little wrong considering it was 84 degrees outside. When I pulled out this weird pumpkin thingy decoration Max went crazy. It's his new best friend. When you touch it, it wiggles or shakes as Max would say. Max plays with it for at least an hour everyday, so therefore it is my favorite toy. He hits it and says, "shake, shake" but it really sounds like a swear word (I'll let you figure out which one).
Years ago Lindsey made me buy this. I kept telling her it was really weird/scary looking but she insisted. She must have known that I would someday have a Max in my house that would be entertained by it for hours. Thanks Linz! Shake on!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a weird creepy pumpkin halloween dude!

    And remember how Max is real good at squatting?
