Monday, October 11, 2010

Boise or Bust

We headed up to Boise for the weekend to see my cousin Jennifer get married, and of course, to have some fun!
Megan & Liv reunited
Playing at a park and eating pizza.
What else is better than that?
A street named after our fetus.
Megan and Toby were determined to go swimming at Grandma Great's,
even though it was freezing cold.
Max even got in on the action.
While I was taking this picture Toby said,
"Nothing like some cold water to make you feel like a woman!"
Liv and Megan stayed in for a lot longer than I thought.
Everytime Liv got in she would say, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh."
And the best part of all - Toby finally got to see the blue turf with
his own eyeballs at the Boise State game!
He is now complete.
Thanks Grandma for letting us come stay!

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