Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Blizzard That Wasn't

Does this look like a picture of a huge blizzard to you? No, I didn't think so.
The weather people had been warning us about this "huge" blizzard all week. Schools shut down early, people left work early, there were huge lines to get gas, costco was out of control with people buying generators because we were told "it will knock out a lot of power". What happened? Pretty much nothing. It was a blizzard for about 45 minutes at the most and the rest was your typical snow storm. We hardly got any snow and it's so cold that it's ice so Megan's just upset she can't play in it. I guess I shouldn't complain when the blizzard got my husband home a few hours early!

1 comment:

  1. That's how much snow we got and school and work was canceled for 2 days. But I'm not complaining. Just keep the crazy drivers away from me.
