Thursday, November 11, 2010

California Adventure

Don't worry, this is my last post about our California trip, then we can get on to more important things like the fact that Max's nose won't quit running and he has slimed everything in the house. But that's for later. Here we go...
Max & Bish on the new Toy Story 3 ride that Max loved.

Toby & Megan with the green soldiers.
Bish trying to kiss my cheek - I know VERY disturbing
Max's heaven - Lightning & Mater

Megan was so excited to meet all the fairies.
Max loved these spinny, light up toys.
The classic castle picture.
The last ride of the night on Splash Mountain
Whew! You made it, no more vacation pictures! But we did have a great time!

1 comment:

  1. You guys had way too much fun. So jealous of the beach pics.
