Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Christmas Bus!

I just realized I never blogged about the Christmas Bus!! How sad because it's one of our favorite activities. And another sad thing is that we never got a picture in front of the bus! What were we thinking! We had a great time doing a short program at a senior center, then we loaded on the bus to head the temple square! The lights were amazing as usual and just when we were starting to get cold, we got back on the bus with yummy hot chocolate to listen to Polar Express (which actually worked this year) on the way home! A perfect way to kick off the Christmas season!
Toby found these Griswold hats for dad and Greg. Perfect.

Getting ready to sing.

Megan & Max played their Christmas duet.

The kids sang Gethsemane while Sofi and Owen danced.

The nativity.

Sof was NOT happy.

She calmed herself down by picking her nose.


  1. I'm cracking up at those pictures of Sofi, especially the one where you're in the background with that smile thinking "haha, not my kid!" I want to ride the Christmas bus.

  2. I love the Spjute family traditions.

  3. Oh Sof, she sure is the life of the party isn't she? Thanks for the fun pics!
