Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Baptism for Max!

Saturday was the day for Max's baptism! He'd been waiting all year for this day! We are so proud of him for his decision to be baptized. I really loved the weeks leading up to his baptism because he asked me lots of interesting questions that I'd never thought of. And that's Max for you in a nutshell - always thinking. I'm also proud of him because he read the entire Book of Mormon on his own and finished the week before he got baptized. He really loved the end of the Book of Mormon with Moroni, and really understood that he was alone and kept asking me questions like, "Would you like to be alone as long as Moroni was?" (On crazy days, the answer to that question is yes!) But I could really tell he enjoyed reading it.
Max was able to be baptized with his good friend Will from the ward. It was so fun to be able to share that day with him and his family. Megan gave a great talk on the Holy Ghost and Sam said a great opening prayer. We were so grateful for all the family and friends who showed up to support Max on his big day!
Grandpa made Max 'pre-baptism' pancakes! Yum!

I took a better picture than this, but I like this one cuz Sofia's picking her nose!

Love these people! I forgot to mention that Sam was barfing the night before - so fun, but he made it to the baptism! And Megan's in full dance hair/makeup because we had to race to her recital right after the baptism!

Max is one handsome dude!

Love this picture!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love these pictures. Thanks for helping us share this special day. Max is amazing.
