Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So, I look out the window today to check on Megan and her friends. And what do I see? Megan and her friend Nathan in a total lip lock! This wasn't just a peck, it was long enough for shock to set in and then for me to run over and get the camera - and then they pulled away! Unfortunately I did not get my camera out fast enough but I wasn't going to ask them to do it again! The funniest thing about it was that Megan still had on her bike helmet! When I went out to get mad at them I asked them why they were kissing and they said, "We were playing Kings and Queens and that's what they do!" Of course! I blame this all on the Disney franchise! I called Toby to tell him about it, lets just say that he wasn't laughing about it the way I was!


  1. oh my hilarious! what funny kids! I'm pretty sure me and Ryan were kissing cousins

  2. Kay has just informed Brian that he isn't her prince anymore. He was heart broken to find out he had been replaced by a 6 year old in the ward named Josh. Kay lights up whenever she sees him or talks about him. We had a very serious discussion about how we don't kiss boys until we go to the Temple. That should give us some time until she's at least 12 and starts doing baptisms for the dead for mutual. And I totally agree with your statement about Disney. They've totally corrupted our daughter.

  3. That is hilarious! You better keep an eye on her. You are in for some rough years when Megan is a teenager for sure!
