Monday, July 7, 2008

July 4th

We had a great 4th! We started it out, as usual, with the 5K. Where of course, Toby and Megan got completely decked out in patriotic clothes. Toby pushed Megan in the stroller while she honked the horn at people. Our stroller has speakers on it, so Toby had patriotic music blaring! Hopefully he didn't annoy too many people! The parade was great! Good floats! Then of course we went to Toby's parent's house for the annual slip 'n slide where everyone tries to outdo each other with their tricks. Then, that night we had a bbq at my aunts and feasted on some delicious ribs that Megan went crazy on! Then we watched some awesome fireworks and took our exhausted Megan home! The 4th is definitely one of our favorite holidays!


  1. I love that Megan ran the race with her crazy headband on. she's taking after her dad. Our 4th was so lame so I'll just keep watching your slide show and pretend we were with you.

  2. Hi April! I saw your name when I was on Kimby's blog. Your pictures are so fun to look at! It was nice to see you for a brief minute when I was visiting in Utah. We will be moving back there this weekend! We should get together sometime. Our blog is

  3. So fun to spend time with you. We always enjoy being with you and your terrific family!
