Monday, April 2, 2018


The boys school had author's night - the kids write and illustrate their own books. Once again, we were laughing at how completely opposite these boys are. Sam got his done as fast as he could and didn't care what it looked like or if it made sense. Max spent weeks on his, and didn't even have it completely finished by the night, and just finished it a few days ago! Max did his on William Shakespeare, so if you need to know anything about him, just ask Max!

 We also had the boys favorite night - Classic Skate Night! They love to play all their cheap arcade games and were proud of all the tickets they won!
 Megan's school always has a Pi day race. Toby and Megan decided to participate because I told them to. My reasoning was because it said the first finishers would get a pie - so I'm thinking free dessert! But the 'pie' they gave them were the little fruit pies I used to get when I was little from the hostess store. Oh well, it was still yummy. Oh, and Toby took 3rd overall and Megan took 3rd for the girls - not too shabby!
 Megan and Max competed in Piano Federation, and both did a FABULOUS job! They even had the super scary judges. They both got a superior rating and we are all glad that it's over!

 Our YW basketball team made it to region and won their first game, but lost the second but I was very impressed - I didn't think they'd win any! Megan was our rebounder, she's not afraid to get in there.
 We made it to another Temple open house. We've been to so many lately that Sam is sick of them. He knows it's a lot of walking around, being quiet. But I don't care. I'm going to keep dragging him to them because I LOVE being in the temple with my kids, it's the best.
 My Dad and Kathy put on another fun game night. My kids were sooo happy to play hungry hippos again, it's a favorite. My favorite thing was afterwards when people were being pulled all over the room on the scooters. There were some near misses and a few good crashes.

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