Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Christmas 2018

Christmas was lots of fun this year. The kids asked for more expensive things so there wasn't a lot to open, and that is just fine by me. Sam is super excited for his kayak because he wants a fishing pole for his birthday and then he will use his kayak to paddle to the middle of the lake. I keep trying to warn him that fishing can be slow and boring, but he will have none of it. He is ready to fish! Sam got his trick scooter that he asked for so he could be in the cool 'scooter club' his friends started. Max got some battle bots that are actually pretty fun to play with. Megan got the salsa she asked Santa for, but then Santa was nice and got her a nice Fit Bit watch that syncs with her phone. She also got a giant mirror to dance in front of.
We had a nice day of hanging out together. Toby and I managed to go for a pretty run while the kids played with toys then we had yummy breakfast at my Dad's - seriously, its sooo good. It filled us up so much that no one even thought about lunch. Then we went to the Johnsons for dinner and more presents. It was a fun day that I was sad to see end! But the kids were exhausted since Sam kept them up for most of the night. I think they managed to get 3 hours of sleep in.

This dinosaur costume makes me laugh EVERY time!

Finally! Sam has his own Legos!
This robot is so fun to play with.
That's a giant fluffy dog pillow Megan got since she's always doing homework on the floor or on her bed.
Jill made all these capes and masks for all the kids! I will never forget watching Will, who refused to take it off and running around in circles saying 'Batman!" Batman!" It was hilarious
And we finished this puzzle with only 1 missing piece!

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