Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Snow Shoeing

Since we finally got enough snow to go snow shoeing! We bought snow shoes for the kids a couple years ago, but there's never been enough snow, so we were happy to finally use them. We ended up having more fun taking off our snow shoes and bum sliding down a track we made. It was so fun! The boys could've stayed there forever. Then we pretty much slid on our bums the whole way back. That's my kind of hike!
Later that night, we went to the Weber State Basketball game - we had free tickets. It was fun for Toby to go because he used to go with his grandparents all the time when he was growing up. The kids pretended like they cared. They were just happy that they got to go to Chuck your rama for dinner. I was smart and made myself something from home.

Sliding down the track
The coolest part about the game was that they had a professional Simon Says guy come for halftime. Bish is just as good!

1 comment:

  1. That snow shoeing, bum sliding looks like the best thing ever. You guys are the coolest.
